Page 63 - Krushibhushan Magazine - July 2017
P. 63
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Application for Registration /Renewal of farm for the export of fresh vegetables and
fruits to EU
(To be submitted by the farmer/exporter to state Deptt\ of Agriculture/Horticulture)
The Registration Authority & Agriculture/Horticulture Officer
Taluka---------------- District ------------------ State ----------------
Sub : Registration/Renewal fo farm for the export of Fresh Vegetables and fruits to
Dear Sir,
You are requested to kindly register /renew my farm for export for of fresh
vegetables and fruits to European union as per details given below :
1 Full name of the farmer/grower
Father's /Husband's Name
Name of Parteners
a Correspondence address
Telephone No With STD code no.
Mobile No.
E-mail address
b Farm/plot location address (Survey No/plot No.) along with
map/layout of the plot with indication of all sides of crop grown.
(Please attach)
2. Farm registration No.
3. Total farm area (in Ha)
4. Whether farm the Global GAP certified if yes, attach a copy
Certofocate No.
Date of issue
Date of validity
Name of certification agency
5. Number of plots in the farm with area of each plot
Sl. Name of Area (in Survey/ variety Date of date (S)of Estmate d
No. the Crop Ha) plot No sowing oroduction
Owb¡ - gßQ>|~a 2017 63