Page 64 - Krushibhushan Magazine - July 2017
P. 64
6. Name & address of pack & houses associated with
7. Registration /Renewal fee
8. Datails about previous year export (Produce Wise)
Quantity in MT
Name of Exporter
Name of pack house
9. Whether any Non-complince notification has been received dur-
ing previous year
it is certified that the information mentioned above is correct. We hereby undertake
to abide by the guidelines/ conditions stipulated in the standard operating procedure
(SOP) for Export inspection & phytosanitany certification of vegetable and fruits to EU
Date : (Signature of the farmer)
Place : Name of the Farmer
Zm|XUrH¥$V ^mOrnmbm {nH$m§Mo {H$S>amoJ gd}jU H$aʶmH$arVm H$amd¶mÀ¶m AOm©Mm Z‘wZm Imbrbà‘mUo...
Taluka Agriculture officer'
----------, Dist.------------
Subject : Request for Fortnight Pest Monitoring (FPM) Report of------------Crop.
Applicant : ------------------------------- (Exporters name and address)
Respected sir,
I have registed --------- farms for ---------- crop for export to EU countries. As per
requirement of SOP for phytosanitary certification of fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV)
to EU, fortnight pest montoring (EPM) is mandatory. Therefore you are reqested to is-
sue me a FPM report of following registered farmers.
Sr. Name of Address Mob no. Crop Registra- Date of Reg- Remark
No. farmer with email tion Number istration
Name of exporter & address -
Owb¡ - gßQ>|~a 2017 64